Tuesday 5 August 2014

Find the Best Solution to Eliminate Bad Breath

One of the most common dental conditions is halitosis. This is a condition where one’s breath has a noticeably bad odor due to serious dental diseases or simply a case of morning breath. It can be said that almost everybody has bad breath sometimes, it just depends on the causes and how serious it is.

 Causes of Halitosis

There are many underlying causes of bad breath. And although the number of people who are affected by this condition is not known, it is a pretty common thing among everyone. However, one must still know the different causes of halitosis so that he can prevent it in one way or another.

Read on to find out some common causes of halitosis.

Food that is stuck between teeth – Brushing may not completely get rid of bits of food that is left between your teeth. When food bits are not completely washed away, it may rot and penetrated by bacteria. Regular and proper cleaning and brushing of teeth may help prevent this problem.

Dry mouth – Xerostamia, or more commonly known as dry mouth is a condition where the saliva’s production is reduced due to some treatments or medicines that a person takes. It can also be because of lack of fluid in the person’s body.

Smoking – Smokers can easily be determined due to the fact that smoking cigarettes or tobaccos leave certain smell that is unpleasant to the nose of other people, especially non-smokers. Smoking can also escalate the dangers of developing gum diseases which are also one of the causes of halitosis.

Fasting or wrong way of dieting – Crash dieting may affect your body, thus, creating some changes. It can cause a sickly sweet smell of the breath because of the chemicals known as ketones which are made by breaking down fats.

Substances that we take in such as food, drinks, and medicines – Various food and medicines can cause halitosis. There are some food that leave distinctive smell once they are eaten and this can be prevented by not eating the food always. However, since this cannot be easily avoided, regular brushing and taking oral rinse may help wash away the unpleasant smell caused by them.

Tired of having halitosis? Are you looking for some long term solutions for this? Worry no more. Visit our website www.breezecare.co.uk and find the best solution and treatment for halitosis.